Tuesday 29 March 2011

Happy Wicked Anniversary Rachel

It was a year ago today that Rachel first blew us away with her opening night performance as Elphaba. 12 Month's on and she is even more incredible than ever.

I sometimes wonder whether there is a machine helping her soar above the stage in Defying Gravity, maybe she really can fly. Nothing would surprise me when it comes to Rachel.


I thought I'd also add this nice little video Rachel put on her YouTube page.

Can you name the musical?

Friday 25 March 2011

Team Tucker Wicked Trip

While Rachel was in 'We Will Rock You' we managed to arrange a couple of Team Tucker outings to see the show, one on opening night and the other for her first performance as Scaramouche. There was a third planned but it was cancelled as many of us had to pull out for various reasons.

This type of thing is always very difficult to organize but I wanted to test the water and see who might be interested in a Wicked meet up.

At this stage we are open to suggestions regarding the date of this trip but obviously we can already rule out any of the days Rachel has booked off as holiday. Now I know not many of us live in London so finding a date that works for everyone is nearly impossible but I'll start off by suggesting Saturday 18th June.

Team Tucker members Laura and Stephanie have actually designed t-shirts. Purchasing one is completely optional but for those interested we'll give details of how to place an order if the trip goes ahead.

Don't worry, there is a mens design too!

Please let us know whether you think you'd be able to attend, what potential dates you can or can't make and if you'd be interested in a t-shirt by leaving s comment on this post.

Monday 21 March 2011

Holiday Update

Rachel will not be performing on the following dates inclusively:

Mon 28 March 2011
Thu 30 June – Sat 9 July 2011
Mon 22 August – Sat 27 August 2011
Mon 12 September – Sat 17 September 2011


Anyone interested in a dark, musical thriller, should go see Rachel's husbands latest show 'Thrill Me', on at the Tristan Bates Theatre between the 5th & 30th April.

Thrill Me Twitter Page
CliMar Productions Website

Monday 14 March 2011

Rachel at The Oliviers 2011

Rachel's appearance at last night's show might have been fleeting but if they were handing out awards for the most beautiful lady at the Oliviers she'd have won by a landside.

Also, it proved quite fitting that Rachel was there to present the audience award that she received on behalf of 'Wicked' last year as she was able to hand it over to her last show, 'We Will Rock You'.

Friday 11 March 2011

2011 Olivier Awards

As 'Wicked' won the Audience Award for Most Popular Show at last years Oliviers they can not be nominated again for 2011. However what that does mean is that they get to present the award instead and that honour goes to our very own Rachel.

The show takes place at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane on Sunday 13 March 2011 starting at 5:30pm.

If like me you're not lucky enough to have tickets to this special event you can listen to it on Radio 2 or watch the whole event on your digital TV by using the BBC Red Button service on the night.

Showbiz stars who will be presenting awards include:

* Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller, current stars on Frankenstein
* Anne-Marie Duff, star of the Old Vic’s Cause Celebre
* Elisabeth Moss (Peggy from Mad Men), currently appearing in The Children’s Hour at the Comedy Theatre
* Actor Rupert Everett
* The League of Gentlemen and the National’s Season’s Greetings star Mark Gatiss
* Amanda Holden from Shrek The Musical
* Elaine Paige
* Tamara Rojo, Royal Ballet star
* Star of The Wizard of Oz, Danielle Hope
* Wicked’s Rachel Tucker
* Actor Patrick Stewart

They will join already announced stars that include Lost star Matthew Fox and Olivia Williams, the star of In A Forest, Dark and Deep at the Vaudeville Theatre, and Alfie Boe, opera and musicals leading man, who will play Jean Valjean in the West End production of Les Miserables this summer.

Monday 7 March 2011

Now Might Be The Perfect Time

With Rachel extending her contract until December 10th it gives us another 9 month's to try and persuade the producers of this great show that now is the perfect time to release a UK cast recording.

They are attracting bigger crowds than ever at the Apollo Victoria, have just been declared 'Best West End Show' at this years WOS awards and have a stunning cast which includes our very own award winning leading lady.

I know many of you have already tried but lets keep trying and hope perseverance wins the day. Send another letter to the theatre at the address below:

Executive Producer, Michael McCabe
Apollo Victoria Theatre
Wilton Road

If you post on any West End musical or WICKED forums you could encourage other fans of the show to do the same.

Maybe you have friends or neighbours that would like to see this dream become a reality but they can't be bothered to write themselves, if so you could get them to sign a petition and include it with your letter.

This CD would be so popular it would create a new saying, it would no longer be 'sell like hotcakes', it would become 'sell like the UK cast recording of Wicked'.

Legally Blonde have both a US and UK cast recording of their show so why not WICKED. There is nothing quite like having a CD of the cast you've enjoyed watching in the theatre to bring back those fantastic memories.

Rachael Hughes is running an excellent Facebook page to promote our campaign so check it out by clicking on the link below.


Lets make this happen guys, I know we can do it!

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Rachel's WOS Interview

As commented by Stephanie in our previous post. Rachel did a lovely interview with WOS after picking up her much deserved award. What are you waiting for, check it out!

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Wicked Press Night Pics

On the 17th February Wicked held a special press night to welcome new cast members - Mark Evans as Fiyero, Zoe Rainey as Nessarose and Ben Stott as Boq - to the West Ends #1 show.

Amanda very kindly emailed us a link to this wonderful collection of pictures featuring a very glamorous - and sometimes, cheeky - Rachel with the new cast, her good friend Gerard McCarthy and of course the executive producer of Wicked Michael McCabe.