As you can see Rachel visited the Olympic Stadium this week to watch some exciting Paralympic action.
She got to see the woman's long jump, men's 400m, woman's 300m, and a Brit win a Bronze in men's shot put!
Pity we didn't get a gold because they could have got Rachel to sing the national anthem.
Thanks to Zoe for the below review of her latest trip to see Wicked and Rachel at the Apollo Victoria.

When I first saw Wicked in January 2012, I have been a massive Rachel Tucker and Wicked fan. When I saw Wicked for the third time yesterday, Rachel didn't disapoint. My mum knows I love Wicked, so she planned this trip with my nan and and my brother, not telling me until we got to Victoria station.
We arrived to the Apollo Victoria with 15 minutes to spare. We sat in our seats, which were fantastic. For my last two visits to the Apollo Victoria, I have been sitting in the stalls,with an 85% view, whilst this time I was sitting in the dress circle with a full view to the stage. I was very nervous, because last time I came to Wicked, Gina Beck wasn't there, so I was worried that Rachel wouldn't be there this time. I know it may seem silly, but Rachel makes Wicked a whole lot better to go to, so.
When Rachel came out, a loud cheer came from the audience. The Wizard and I was Awesome. Rachel hit all the right notes and 'melt' riff was the best I've ever heard. Popular was very funny. Gina knows exactly what to do to make G(a)linda funny and Rachel knows what to do to support Gina and how to fit Elphaba into this song. Rachel's dance through dancing through life, was hilarious. Everyone in the audience was laughing. Me, included. The best song for me, personally, was Defying Gravity. The growl on the last note made my day. No Good Deed was brilliant. Through my binoculars, I could see angry tears escaping Rachel's eyes. For good, put a lump in my throat. You could see, Gina and Rachel meant the words as best friends.
The show came to a finish all to soon. The show was a great hit, with my nan and brother, who both saw the show for the first time, and my mum and I are both looking forward to seeing Wicked on cast change.
Lovely little review there, did you see it on Friday or Saturday cos if it was saturday you saw Charlotte Scott the 1st Cover Glinda and it was only her 2nd/3rd time playing the role.
I saw it on Friday. It was the best!!!
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