Well I managed to work a bit of magic of my own which enabled me to attend this year’s Wicked day. I arrived at about 11:00am and managed to park near an open air market where I purchased a lovely hog roast and a cup of tea. I then walked along the Thames - that’s along it not on it, I don’t possess that much magic! - under the London Eye and into the London Film Museum where this years event was taking place.
It was held on the first floor so after giving my donation to the Woodlands Trust I made my way up the stairs and was greeted by a couple of witches handing out goodie bags. Inside were lots of Wicked brochures and leaflets, a mouse mat, card holder, poster and a programme of the day’s activities.
I knew Rachel wasn't getting there until after 2:00pm so I basically wondered around looking at all the lovely stalls which included face painting, shops, photos and lots of cool games for kids. I also watched a bit of the karaoke but needless to say wasn't brave enough to actually take part. There were also cast performances - not Rachel :( - and a Shiz University Challenge where fans were tested on their knowledge of the show. I believe the girl on the right of my picture below was the eventual winner.
When Rachel arrived her first job was to sign autographs with the rest of the cast. I didn't bother to queue for this as I only really wanted to see Rachel so I thought it better to wait outside the room where it was taking place until they'd finished. A few others had the same idea. I was stood near a group of 6 or 7 girls - probably in their late teens, early 20's - and all they were talking about was how sensational and beautiful Rachel is. I couldn't help but nod in agreement and smile. I had got a few glimpses of Rachel by this stage and she was looking so stunning she took your breathe away.
Wicked day was hellishly busy so I wasn't surprised when Rachel was ushered off very quickly after the autograph session had finished for her next job which involved judging some wanna be west end stars who had been selected after sending their videos into the show. Luckily I managed to grab her to say hello, it was brief but lovely. She said she'd try and catch up with me later for a longer chat but I had to leave at 3:30pm so that didn't actually happen. In truth, there were so many fans there and they all wanted to see Rachel that it would have been unfair of me to try and drag her away.
I always really enjoy Wicked Day and would recommend it to any fans of the show. Rachel was actually kind enough to send me an email last night to apologise for being unable to chat for longer which I think just emphasizes that she is not just super talented and beautiful but a lovely person too.
The picture below was taken from Rachel's Twitter. Apparently you can bid for special hats created by the cast on EBay raising money for charity but I can't seem to find a link. If anyone can help me with that I'll add it to the post.

The only video I’ve found featuring Rachel so far is this one where she is offering words of encouragement to the 3 fans who are about to perform on stage.
New Team Tucker member Gemma also went to Wicked Day and you can read her review by visiting her blog at the link below:
If anyone else went to Wicked Day and would like to share any pictures, videos or just a review of the day please send them to my email: andrew@gasattack.wanadoo.co.uk
Brilliant review of your Wicked Day! Gutted I couldn't go :( Did Tucker perform like last year??
Thanks Matt.
I don't think Rachel performed any songs this year. She didn't think she was going to and if she did it must have been after I left.
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