I know this seems like a bit of a strange thing to put on this site but, from experience, I've learnt its important to spread the news and get the information seen by as many people as possible!
Rachel and Guy have lost their beautiful little Barney - last seen today at 5:45pm, Penge East Station... Spread the word to help find him! If you know anyone living in and around that area let them know. Let's get Barney home!
Thanks to Rosie for bringing this to our attention and also Amanda who made the excellent 'Find Barnaby' poster featured above. Click on it to see the full size image.
Thanks to the internet and sites like Facebook, Twitter and blogs like ours, Sheridan Smith was re-united with her dog last year and I pray that someone will help Barney find his way home too. The more people that know about this the better so spread the word.
Thanks for posting this Rosie.
I hadn't heard the sad news of Barney's disappearance and being a dog owner myself I know exactly how distressing it can be when they go missing.
Thanks to the internet and sites like Facebook, Twitter and blogs like ours, Sheridan Smith was re-united with her dog last year and I pray that someone will help Barney find his way home too.
I made a poster for him this morning, but didn't have time to post on here, was almost late for work just making it lol. http://twitpic.com/52vgs8
Hi, i retweeted the brilliant poster you made last night and i think its being widely used by loads of people! Thanks so much for making it! When i get on to a computer (rather than on my phone) i will upload the poster to the blog.
I know andy, as a dog owner too i know just how heartbreaking it is when they go missing! Really hope barney can find his way back home soon!
Thanks for the great poster Amanda, I've added it to the blog.
I'm actually away for the next 12 days Rosie, as I think David might have mentioned. Feel free to make as many or as few posts as you like.
I was going to schedule a Birthday but in light of Barney's diappearance I decided against it. However if he is found or you'd like to write a Birthday message please go ahead and wish her a big happy birthday from me.
He's been found!!!! Very cute story too. So happy! Have a great trip and dont worry, i can take care of the birthday blog-love!!!
Excellent news that Barney has been found! We all love a happy ending!
Is anyone else going to West End Live this year? can't WAIT!
I was happy to help in my own little way, sometimes feel so helpless here in NZ, but woot! So glad people shared it round and so glad that Barney has been reunited with his Mum & Dad! *happy tear*
Yeah, he's found! I tweeted it to a couple of people and it was retweeted by Kerry Ellis and Lea Salonga, which means that about half a million people read it! So happy the whole twitteraction helped and Barney was found!
Very adorable story. Glad that he was found.
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