The nominations in the 2011 Whatsonstage.com Awards, the “theatregoers’ choice”, were announced recently and you can vote for Rachel in the 'Best Takeover in a Role' category by clicking on the below link.
Multiple votes from the same computer wont count but feel free to persuade friends or colleagues to vote for our girl.
You can also vote for Wicked as the best West End show.
ok I got 5 people to vote for her! :)
ok make that 9 :)
Nice work Dan! :)
I also got a few people to vote for her :-)!!!
Do you know when the voting ends?
The results will be announced at the Gala Concert on 20 February 2011 at the Prince of Wales Theatre.
But I don't know if that's the day when the voting ends!
I think it will end earlier, but I don't know the exact date!
Thanks for the info. Appreciate it.
i don't get how on twitter they keep saying Rachel is 0.3% behind.... how are they finding the results? or is it a lie to get her more votes!
Here you go Dan you need to visit the results to date page:
When I posted our girl was 0.4% of the vote ahead of Kerry Ellis! :) But they change all the time! So we need to keep her there! Vote Vote Vote people!!
Voting closes 31st January!!!
Sorry Dan didn't sign my name on that message!
Hope you can vote loads! But you need to do it on different machines.
And Rachel is ahead by 0.5% now, whoopa :-)))!
We can make this happen, she totally deserves it.
They've now hidden the voting results until the results party event! We have to keep voting on as many different computers/phones/ipods/anything as we can! Rachel was in the lead at the last look!
well i get my new blackberry either today or tomorrow, so i'll make it my first web visit! :)
Hope she gets it, it's much deserved!
kerry is still retweeting and campaigning via twitter - people need to too for rachel - there's a quick link i saw www.tinyurl.com/RT2win :)
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