I'm hoping to make another trip to the Apollo Victoria - my second home - in a few weeks time but I know you don't want to read yet another Andy review saying the same old things; we already know Rachel and Wicked are both amazing.
I therefore thought it would be a good idea to think up 5 or 6 questions to ask Rachel at the stage door and post her answers on the blog when I return. Now this is where you guys come in, I'd like you to come up with the questions.
Basically send me your questions by either leaving a comment or via email and I'll randomly select 5 or 6 before I make my trip to London.
Email: andrew@gasattack.wanadoo.co.uk
Please remember it will be about 11:00pm on what could be a freezing cold or very wet February night so they need to be questions to which Rachel can give a quick short answer.
hmmm GREAT idea :)
I'm kinda odd I always feel like I don't wanna bother people at stage door cos it's like their job so i'm sure they just wanna get home lol
but if i could ask something.... hmmm
1) The Wicked Movie is rumoured to be in the making... who would YOU cast in it?
2) What do you think of Wicked Audios appearing on youtube? Is it helpful to know the fans critiques and praises etc...
3) what's your favourite funny line in the show?
4) Are there any jokes that you think deserve more appreciation than they get?
5) Who is YOUR favourite Elphaba?
6) Do you ever wish that you and Lou could swap roles just for one show?
7) Do you think you'll ever make an album like Lou & Lee?
8) I heard a rumour that you made an Album for Charity in Ireland... any truth in that?
9) Do you think WICKED would work as an Andrew Lloyd Webber talent search show?
10) There was some talk of a Rachel Fan Blog group trip to see Wicked! Fancy drink or two afterwards with us all? :)
Maybe a big email to Rachel with questions would work better hahaha
Whaaa, really love your last question Dan :D!!!
hehehe thought i'd be cheeky with the last one, that would be cool though :D
Are you going to the evening performance on CC? I'm going to the mat...excited!
Thats aimed at Andy obviously lol, think Rachel would think you were a little odd if you asked her that!
1) You said once that you see yourself as more of an actor than a singer..Are you planning some more musical theatre after Wicked or will you be looking in a different direction?
2) If the guards didnt intervene who would win the fight Elphie or Glinda?
3) What was has been your most embarrassing moment on stage in Wicked so far?
4) You dont often reply on Twitter. Do you get sick of us tweeting you all the time?
5) Marmite, love it or hate it?
6) Are we waisting our time trying to campaign for a London Cast Recording? Is 159 people joining a group enough to make them consider it?
7) Who was your favourite spice girl?
ok.... I think I have exhausted all my random questions for now lol
That would be the coolest thing ever Dan! :D
also another one.
Did you and Louise come as a package deal? :) lol
that's just a cheeky one seeing as they had already 'been' Glinda and Elphie in So Jest End lol
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