Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Happy Birthday Rachel

Today marks Rachel's first Birthday as a Mum which I'm sure will make it extra special.

Thanks to everyone who has already sent her a Birthday tweet:

@racheltucker1 Wow! Morning twitter! Thank u all for my birthday tweets, so lovely! Opening cards and having tea and pastries in bed with ben and Barney! 

Have a fantastic day Rachel.


While we're on the subject of Birthday's, the blog reaches it's own milestone on Saturday as we celebrate our 5th anniversary.

It's been an incredible 5 years during which time Rachel has gone from a little known performer in Northern Ireland to one of the biggest names in London's West End. She's also found time to fall in love, get married and become a Mum.

There are now well over 700 posts on the blog and we've had nearly a quarter of a million visitors since we started back on 1st June 2008.

Monday, 27 May 2013

More Bridge House Cabaret Videos

As promised here are a few more videos from the Cabaret at the Bridge House.

Many thanks to Sophie Benson for uploading.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Everybody's Girl

The first video from Rachels Cabaret with Daniel Robinson at The Bridge House, Penge has appeared on You Tube.

Thanks to Kerry Louise for uplodaing.

As you will see Rachel was in superb form and I hope I'll be able to post more videos from what I'm sure was a fantastic afternoons entertainment soon.

Don't forget Rachel will be back at the Bridge House next Sunday 2nd June for another 2 1/2 hours of cabaret magic.

I'm not sure whether there are any tickets still available but you can enquire by phoning the following number 0208 778 2100.

Monday, 13 May 2013

The Ultimate Quartet

Was anyone lucky enough to be at the Palladium yesterday to witness 4 great Elphaba's bring the house down with an incredible group performance of Defying Gravity?

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Forthcoming Appearances

Things have understandibly been a little quiet on the blog over the past few months as Rachel gave birth to her first child 'Benjamin' just 3 month's ago and continues to enjoy all that motherhood offers.

However, as previously mentioned she has already begun work on her first studio album and if you're lucky enough to get tickets you'll be able to see her perform live at 2 forthcoming events.

The first is a Kerry Ellis concert with special guests and takes place at the London Palladium this Sunday, 12th May. One of those guests will be Rachel and she'll be teaming up with 3 other Elphaba's - Kerry, Louise Dearman & Alexia Khadime - to sing a new arrangement of “Defying Gravity".

There are seats still available and details of where you can purchase them are on the picture below:

The second event is a Cabaret with Daniel Robinson at The Bridge House, Penge West, SW20 at 3pm on Sunday 26-May & 2-June.

There may be a few tickets still available but act fast if you fancy going because I believe both performances are close to sold out. Phone 0208 778 2100 to book your tickets.

Finally I want to say a massive thank you to Alison Frend who was kind enough to email all this information to me today. She is lucky enough to have tickets to the Cabaret on 2-Jun and has kindly promised to provide a review for the blog.

Have a great time Alison.