Today marks Rachel's first Birthday as a Mum which I'm sure will make it extra special.
Thanks to everyone who has already sent her a Birthday tweet:
@racheltucker1 Wow! Morning twitter! Thank u all for my birthday tweets, so lovely! Opening cards and having tea and pastries in bed with ben and Barney!
Have a fantastic day Rachel.
While we're on the subject of Birthday's, the blog reaches it's own milestone on Saturday as we celebrate our 5th anniversary.
It's been an incredible 5 years during which time Rachel has gone from a little known performer in Northern Ireland to one of the biggest names in London's West End. She's also found time to fall in love, get married and become a Mum.
There are now well over 700 posts on the blog and we've had nearly a quarter of a million visitors since we started back on 1st June 2008.